Transforming Central London Into A Freeride Ski Mecca




You’ll be hard-pressed to find “Dump a lorry-load of real snow in a capital city” anywhere in the Yer Standard Brand Store Launch Event 101 handbook. A solid place for us to start, then, when new clients Peak Performance challenged us to celebrate their arrival into the UK with a healthy dose of public and media disruption.
What followed was a classic ACM full-team, full-service collab. Creative departments ran wild with ideas too grand for any human brain (and health and safety department) to comprehend; our event production department handled every micro detail and macro decision to take the event from a concept to the Covent Garden cobblestones; our social media pros opened up our network to invite and partner with the very best creators for sweet coverage; and our PR supremos stirred up the right amount of FOMO to secure a core, fashion, and lifestyle media RSVP list, the likes of which you’ve never seen before. More than 250 pieces of coverage for our clients and fresh pow? That’ll do nicely.
One of our personal and proudest highlights, though, was getting the best from the UK ski community down to the snow to show off their talents to the public alongside the biggest names in the global Peak Performance athlete roster. Supporting our one-of-a-kind culture the right way was a top priority for us, and in turn, their help legitimised the whole thing as a true ACM greatest hit.