11 Postcards From The Hottest ACM Away Day On Record

We came, we swam, we SPF 50’d
Ancient English legend (or 90s playground gossip) states that if the temperature creeps above 26 degrees, then actually, technically, legally, you have to get the day off school.
While we’re still not 100% certain this is true (editor’s note: it’s not), it is 100% fact that during this week’s heatwave, we closed our screens, rescheduled our calls, and escaped our remote desks to jump in the sea.
This latest ACM Away Day – the most scorching of our IRL team gatherings to date – took us to sunny, seedy Brighton, for 48 hours of eBiking, pool schooling, sea swimming, and creative sessioning. We scrambled up chalky hill climbs in turbo mode. We decided the newly opened Sea Lanes is the coolest place on the south coast. We had a few pints. And we slapped on enough sun cream to slather a small country.
You’d have loved it. Really. So much so, that we’ve brought back a bunch of postcards so you can feel like you were right there with us…